Friends, I came across a very nice article that talks about handling "work" and your "life". I am not spending much time writing about this article, as people these days know how to manage their work and life. Here's to the Art of Living article, I just came across that talks about experiencing waves of happiness like never before. They say: All actions we undertake in our lives are to make us happy, isn't it!
You are having a bad day at office, or you feel like leaving your job, or lay off stress? Here's another article by a great author published in Business News Daily, inspires me to share about this- "In our digitally driven world, it's imperative to maintain a work-life balance," by Jackie Stone
Below are some points listed for betterment of balancing our work and life:
- Letting go of Perfectionism: Another article at Forbes shares about tips for better work life balance. The first point they talk about letting go of Perfectionism. We tend to do everything perfectly, if we are unable to, this brings out stress and frustration into our behavior. Letting go of Perfectionism often give us "better" performances at workplace and into our personal lives too.
- Exercise & Meditate: The most important part of a healthy lifestyle is to keep exercising and meditation plays a vital role in giving a personal inner strength.
- Create and own your lifestyle: Create your lifestyle and stick to it. When we say lifestyle, it's about what time you wake up, when do you reach your office, when do you start working etc. It's just not a word, it's about how we live our lives.
In the end, as they say, ups and downs are the part of lives, sometimes we have a bad day at office and sometimes we have celebrations!!!
It's all about how we look towards the direction of our lives and how positively we react to it :)
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